IBDP Psychology syllabus

In this blog I will take you through a ride of IBDP Psychology syllabus, the assessment model, the common mistakes you make, tips to score a perfect 7, and why you should study IBDP Psychology. Contents IBDP Psychology 1 IBDP Psychology syllabus -What will you learn in IBDP Psychology? 2 IBDP

AP Changes 2021

The 2021 AP Test changes during the pandemic COVID-19 Contents The 2021 AP Test changes during the pandemic COVID-19 When are the AP tests conducted usually? How to handle two AP exams on the same day? How will you plan your studies with the AP schedule in hand? The COVID 19

IB Changes May 2021

What are the IB changes May 2021 ? Contents What are the IB changes for May 2021? 1 Route 1: Written Exams 1 Route 2: Non-Exam Route 1 Route 3: Postponement or delay 1 The grading system: 2 First of all, before briefing you on the changes what IB has come

Difference Between IB and AP

Difference between the Advanced Placement (AP) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Through this blog I will help you get a crisp clarity on the comparison and contrast between two popular programs-AP and IB. While they both are flexible and open-minded to offer you the freedom of choice, it’s your responsibility to

Learn Study tips for IB BM Paper 1

Discover IB BM Paper 1 Study tips are important for BM Paper 1 as it is an analytical paper than a theoretical one- aimed to test your understanding in depth and length across all the topics covered in the syllabus-with a realistic application of the constructed concepts in your daily lives.

Exam tips for IBDP Physics

Exam tips for IBDP Physics Why is Topic 1-Measurements and Uncertainties so important? It involves subtopics which involves key concepts on- Measurement in fundamental and derived SI units, significant notation and metric multipliers, significant figures, orders of magnitude, and estimation. Uncertainties talk about random and systematic errors, absolute, fractional, and percentage

Learn more about SAT vs. ACT

What is SAT and ACT? The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and the ACT (American College Testing) are both standardized tests serving as comparative yardsticks of interpreting students’ overall academic performance in relation to the national applicant pool, acting as a comparative yardstick of a student’s performance to qualify for the undergraduate